Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Recap of Saturday's Amnesty meeting/ upcoming events

Hey everyone!

I wanted to introduce you to the stuff we're going to be doing this year.

We're still in the process of deciding what campaigns to focus on, because the polls are still open till September 1. Right now, the campaigns receiving the most votes  are Darfur and Economic, Social and Cultural rights. Tied for second place are the environment, the War on Terror , and women . But lots of campaigns are still neck-in-neck.  Basically, this is one poll where one vote actually can make a difference, so, you know, Vote or Die, Rock the Vote, and all that. ;)

vote on your favorite 3 campaigns in the sidebar right now! 
For more information on any and all of the campaigns up for election, (so you can be an informed voter) check out their amnesty web page

These are the events we are planning this year:
(Dates are tentative, pending clearance from the administration.)

Next Amnesty Meeting | Thurs. August 23, 6:30pm in the Jewish Life Building
Put it on your calendars, and request the day off from work, people!

Human rights Film Fest | Thurs. September 13th, all day

Probably with free food!!
This will provide an introduction to many Amnesty campaigns, in a fun, entertaining way.  Our awesome assistant group coordinator, Alexis Rossi, is organizing it, so e-mail her if you'd like to help out at arossi4@fau.eduWe really need someone to design pretty flyers.

"Human Rights Issues in the War on Terror" Workshop | Weds. October 17th, time TBA
in the Majestic room
This is Amnesty's contribution to a larger teach-in on the Iraq war, organized by Dr. Frezzo in Sociology and Dr. Tracy in Communication.  We'll be focusing on the US use of torture, Iraqi refugee rights, and private contractors operating with impunity in Iraq.

United Nations Day | Weds. October 24, all day

We will be passing out mini universal declarations of human rights (amnesty's founding document, and the basis for the UN)
and chalking its resolutions all over campus.  We did this last year, too, and it was a fun, silghtly subversive way to educate people about their rights.

Fairtrade Fashion Show | Thurs. November 15, free speech lawn
This long-anticipated event will start with models wearing sweatshop-made clothes, while the announcer describes, from official reports and documentation, the conditions their producers endured. Next, amnesty activists will wear sweatshop-free clothes that actually help better the lives of the people who produce them. Last year's Amnesty president and this year''s Assistant(?) , Josef Palermo is in charge of this event, so e-mail him if you'd like to help out at jpalerm3@fau.eduWe especially need to figure out how to make/rent risers for the models to walk on.  We also need a band or DJ to play the event!

That's it for this semester's events!  Just a heads-up: next semester, we'll probably be fun-raising by selling fairtrade chocolate around valentines day.  :)

Before I go, I want to thank everyone who contacted us because they were interested in helping out this year, with various campaigns, people like Iris and Vicki and Tommy.  And I know there are more of you who e-mailed Josef...thanks so much.

And I need to introduce you to our new officers:
I'm the new group coordinator, (which is Amnesty-speak for president) and Alexis Rossi, Sapna Talati and Angel Roque are my Vice presidents.  Josef Palermo is the secretary/my assistant/whatever. :)  

That's it, guys!  Thanks for everything!  I'll see you all on August 23!

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